Finney Ranch Pack Leader Recommendations
Loved by our pack leaders and approved by their pups!
In the beginning, Bella wasn't a huge fan of wearing bandanas. She prefers to be "au natural". However, then I found the slide-on collar options here at Bestie Bandanas, and she doesn't mind them at all! I love to get them personalized with her name so when we go places people call her "Bella". Use Code "Bella20" at Checkout
Kona Leashes are durable climbing rope leashes. They're lightweight and built to last! They have a variety of fun colors to represent your personalities! Use Code "LadyBella20" at Checkout Awoo has collars, harness, poop bags, and our favorite leashes! Their leashes are "infinity leashes" and I love them because of their versatility. I opt for the waist leash style so I can stay totally hands-free during our walks together!
Favorites from Kaitlin
and Bella!
While I'm on the go, I love to have my water or tea with me. These adorable personalized tumblers from
The Tumbler Guru are amazing! I have so many fun designs and styles.The sayings that are added on for me represent my life and my life with Bella. Use Code "BellaTen" at Checkout
For tasty treats, food, and supplements, we turn to Chippin and HealthyBud! Bella's favorites from Chippin are the Superfood and Antioxidant treats. Her favorites from HealthyBud are Turkey Gut Booster, Beef Lung, and Duck Calming Aid. Use Code "BellaAFuriends10" at Chippin Use Code "Bella10" at HealthyBud
I recommend a seatbelt of some kind so that your new pup stays safe, no matter the length of your trip. We took home two puppies at the time, one was being dropped off to her new home closer to mine. Bubbles and Dory curled up together inside our car carrier (picture below!). Even when Bubbles (now Bella) was by herself, she stayed in that carrier until she could no longer fit in it! A blanket for comfort is helpful too - the one you get in your take home bag will be great! It has mom's scent, along with their siblings. Bella wasn't carsick, but some potty pads, paper towels, and baby wipes could help in case yours gets a little upset! And a small collar and leash so if you have to hop out for potty, you're covered!
Going Home for the First Time
Don't overbuy! I definitely made this mistake before Bella came home. Half of her stuff is in a closet so my home isn't covered in toys. Much has also been donated to my local animal shelter as well. Pick up just a few staple toys and see what your new puppy gravitates towards! They might like squeaky over crinkly, or vice versa! I also avoid rope toys with frayed ends for Bella because she liked to try to rip them out and chew on them. That's certainly a safety hazard!
Man oh man. Bella's bewitching hour was rough on me. There were times I thought "what in the world am I doing wrong?!" Two things I learned: This is normal for a puppy - many are going through this too. And don't overstimulate during the day. I was pushing Bella way too hard as a young puppy. I don't regret taking her places and going for fun walks, but I definitely should have shortened the time of what we did do. If you find your puppy gets "crazy" during certain times of the day - for Bella it was between 7-9 PM before bed - take note of this. Right before that time hits, give him or her a licki mat covered in their favorite treat. For Bella, it's peanut butter. The constant licking calms their brain and slows them down. This helps with everyone's sanity!! Check out Amazon or your local TJ Maxx/HomeGoods/Ross for items like this.
Recommendations from Kaitlin
and Bella!
Whether you decide to get a professional trainer or train yourself, training your new puppy is so important! Let them settle in the first week or so, but then after start to hit the ground running! Focus on the basics, and don't expect them to get it day one. Training is a life-long process. Make it fun for yourself and your puppy! The Finney Ranch recommendations packet has some great online trainer picks. Potty training, however, can start right away. We live on the fifth floor of an apartment building with a private balcony, so I opted to get potty bells and a turf potty pad. I knew it'd be unreasonable for us to run 5 flights down at midnight so I wanted to set both of us up for success (and less accidents in the house!). No matter what, take your puppy out every 30-45 minutes. LOTS of praise, a treat, a fun potty dance are all ways to encourage that good behaviour.
Bewitching Hour(s)
Pictures of Bella's First Few Months!
Oh! A portable water bottle is super great too, especially during hot weather!
Set Boundaries Right Away
Do Your Best to Stick to a Schedule
Remi was already one when I got her because she was re-homed. One thing I realized right away was how I needed to let her know her boundaries right away. One example of this is say you do not want your new puppy on your couch. A good way to demonstrate this is to not hold them or set your puppy down on the couch. They will understand the concept you are trying to lay down fairly quickly!
Sticking to a schedule can help best with things such as bewitching hour. (Because it’s very much a real thing!!) Remi gets fed and goes on walks around the same time everyday. This helps her get used to certain feelings at certain times, along with me knowing when they are coming! There are always exceptions such as getting fed early because we are going to leave the house for somewhere, or going on a doggie play date at a different time. But, keeping the basics as similar and on schedule as you can helps!
Recommendations from Dylan and Remi!
Pictures of Remi!