October 22, 2023 • 9 & 11 AM
To worship with us
Staff Emails are typically first initial 
then last name @asburyfirst.org. 
(ex. scady@asbuyrfirst.org) Rev. Stephen Cady, PhD — 
Senior Minister, x125 Rev. Kathy Thiel — Minister 
for Congregational Care, x106 Rev. Patrick Dupont — 
Minister for Outreach, x136 Mike Mullin — Minister 
for Discipleship and Youth, x105 *Rev. Rachel Dupont — Minister for 
for Christian Formation and Director of the Discipleship Project, x113 Dr. Carl Johengen — 
Director of Music Ministry, x134 Duane Prill — Principal Organist, x100 Paula Dugan — Director of Hospitality and Children’s Ministry, x111 Holly Temming — Children's Music 
& Ministry; Revenue & Payroll Specialist, x114 David Strong — Church Admin.; Assistant Organist, x110 Deb Bullock-Smith — Office 
and Data Manager, x117 John Ormsbee — 
Director of Finance, x107 Lori Young — Director of Property Care, x122 Robin Manley, LMSW — 
Social Worker, x138 *Ly Tran — Communications Assistant, x108 *indicates part-time status
FIRST TIME HERE We are so glad you are joining us, whether in person 
or online. Please sign in on the red fellowship pad and pass it down your pew. Our hope is to get to know you better and help you find your place within our community. You can also drop us an email at info@asburyfirst.org. If you’re out there watching, check in through the website to let us know you’re worshiping with us. Take a picture and post it on social media using #asburyfirstathome. ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL Large print bulletins and hymnals are available from the ushers. A hearing loop is available for those who have hearing aids with T switches, and you may also request earphones from the ushers to aid you in hearing the service. The screens located toward the back of the sanctuary now display the service stream to aid in visibility. Please help us welcome of differently-abled worshipers and visitors. For example, please respect our visually-impaired members by not interacting with or distracting their working guide dogs. Need prayer? We invite you to share with us how we can be praying for you by emailing prayers@asburyfirst.org or by filling out one of our prayer cards found in the pews. All prayer requests are prayed over by our Ministers and Intercessory Prayer Team. Children We believe children are a sacred gift, and they are welcome in our worship. Children will be invited forward during worship for a Children’s Time. Following this, children ages 4 through 5th grade are invited to go with our children’s educators for Sunday School or return to their caretaker for the remainder of the service. RECONCILING STATEMENT We are a reconciling congregation and seek to be a fully inclusive church, believing that all people are God’s children. Our full statement can be read at asburyfirst.org/about-us/#reconciling-statement. GIVE TO ASBURY FIRST Your generous gifts supports our everyday ministries and operations, allowing us to live into our vision to Do More Good. Cash/Check—We welcome you to send a gift of cash/check in the mail 
 or in the basket on your way out of the sanctuary following the service. Text to Give—You may give a gift with a debit/credit card by texting the dollar 
 amount to 206-222-1050.
Online—Online giving is available on our website at asburyfirst.org/give. 
Venmo—You may give a gift through Venmo by finding 
“@givingasburyfirst†or by scanning the QR code to the right. Watch and listen The live stream of the 11 am service can 
be viewed at asburyfirst.org/live-stream. Listen live on WRFZ 106.3 FM Rochester Free Radio, or call our toll-free number at 833-829-1050. 
Our video archive of past services is at asburyfirst.org/archive.
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
* please stand as you are able
11 am • October 22, 2023
"Requiescat in Pace" — Gordon Young
"Pastorale" — David Schack
Hallelujah Kids and 
Wesley Singers and Ringers 
Holly Temming, Director
"The B-I-B-L-E"
*Call to Worship

All are invited to read the bold-faced type; the reader will read the unbolded type.

We gather today to remember and proclaim that we are God’s people. We are God’s people! God’s presence is among us! God’s goodness passes by us every day in the gracious gifts of creation and in the faces of our neighbors. God, help us notice your goodness in everything and everyone that we meet. When we notice God’s goodness all around us, we recognize this truth: 
 all things are God’s. Let us give to God the things that are God’s! Amen.
*Processional Hymn
#731 "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spokenâ€â€¨
*Welcome and Passing
of the Peace
*Gathering Hymn
#427 "Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life", vv. 1, 5
The community gathers As the community gathers, may the music of the prelude draw your hearts and minds to God.
Alice Byun
Danny Carroll-Nellenback
Clara Chang
Beckham Clark
Normandy Dornsife
Edie Dudley
Camden Ebenhoe
Caitlyn Kirivong
Ella Milazzo
Louisa Morse
Aurora Mullin
Sam Parkes
Nathan Sabo
Bridget Tantillo
Dominic Tourje
Liam Towsley
Loren Varble-Bielewicz
Ling Zhan
Presentation of Bibles
Children receiving Bibles:
Pastor: Receive the Holy Scriptures and study their words. These stories belong to us all, and these words speak to us all. They tell us who we are. They tell us that we belong to one another, for we are the people of God, seeking truth together. Children: We receive these Bibles with our hands, our hearts, and our minds. Congregation: We rejoice in this step in your journey with God. We pray God will guide you, your family, and us as we use our Bibles in our homes, the Church, and throughout our lives. We commit to love, live, and serve together as we seek God’s truth.
To hear the word
Hymnal #102, v. 3, alt.
All glory be to God, all praise and thanks be given; Whose Son and Spirit reign as one in highest Heaven; Our one eternal God, whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.
Silent Confession
Words of Assurance
Blessed people of God, hear this good news: The Lord has given to us gifts and abilities to work for peace and justice. Go into this world in confidence of God’s presence and love. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Amen.
Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, we confess that we have not given you the things that are yours. We quibble over things that distract us from loving you, and loving our neighbors. We do not recognize your holy touch in the world around us. We neglect our responsibility to treat all things and all people as sacred. Forgive us, we pray. Free us to live in love and peace with you, with our neighbors, and with all creation.
11 am
Hallelujah Kids and 
Wesley Singers and Ringers 
Holly Temming, Director
David Strong, Piano
"Goliath" — Joseph M. Martin; words by J. Paul Williams 
Goliath was a mighty man, he stood over ten feet tall. Goliath was a mighty man, he had a lot of gall. He laughed at David and David’s God. He made fun of old King Saul. Goliath was a mighty man but you should have seen him fall. Fee, fi, fo, fum. Goliath was a mighty man, he was a warrior bold. Goliath was a mighty man, his temper uncontrolled. He laughed at David and David’s God. He made fun of old King Saul. Goliath was a mighty man but you should have seen him fall. Now you’ve made me mad. You are just a lad. Birds and beasts will have a feast. Prepare to meet your God. David stood up to Goliath, he didn’t even have a sword. All he had was five round rocks and the power of the Lord. He put a rock in his old slingshot and when that stone had flown. It hit Goliath between the eyes and he let out a groan. Goliath was a mighty man, he stood over ten feet tall. Goliath was a mighty man, until he lost it all. He laughed at David and David’s God. He mad fun of old King Saul. 
He wasn’t really great at all. You should have seen him fall!
#191 "Jesus Loves Me", v. 1

Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. 
Little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong. 
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! 
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.
Matthew 22:15-22
Then the Pharisees went and plotted to entrap him in what he said. So they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one, for you do not regard people with partiality. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?†But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin used for the tax.†And they brought him a denarius. Then he said to them, “Whose head is this and whose title?†They answered, “Caesar’s.†Then he said to them, “Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.†When they heard this, they were amazed, and they left him and went away. 
The Word of God for the People of God.
Thanks be to God.
Call to Prayer
We come, believing, your words receiving. Lord, show us what you’d have us do. Teach us how to live, spur our hearts to give. You know our yearning, our hearts now turning. Lord, hear us when we pray to you. (Words and music by Ashley Danyew)
Pastoral Prayer
Introduction to
Discipleship, Membership,
and Commitment
We are delighted you have joined us and ask that you sign and pass the ritual 
of friendship pad from the center aisle down the pew. We invite you to prayerfully consider making a gift to support the everyday ministries and operations of this church, allowing us to live into our vision to Do More Good. There are multiple ways 
to make a gift to Asbury First: Cash/Check—We welcome you to send a gift of cash/check in the mail or place 
 it in the offering plate as it is passed to you. Text to Give—You may give a gift with a debit/credit card by texting the dollar
 amount to 206-222-1050.
Online—Online giving is available on our website at asburyfirst.org/give.
Venmo—You may give a gift through Venmo by finding 
 “@givingasburyfirst†or by scanning the QR code to the right.
#441 "What Does the Lord Require", vv. 1, 2, 4
What Does the Lord Require?
To Renew Commitment
Children's Time

Children of all ages are invited to join us in this special moment.

Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, 
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
*Recessional Hymn
#157 “Jesus Shall Reignâ€
*Benediction Response
Amen. (Tom Birchwood)
"Trumpet Tune in C" — Alice Jordan
Hymnal #95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; 
Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; 
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
*Prayer of Dedication
God of all people, we are linked together in a community of friendship and support. May we all continue to share in your gifts of love, strength, courage and wisdom. Give us understanding and sympathy with each one’s difficulties, patience with each one’s faults, and grace to help carry each one’s burdens. Amen.
“The Legacy of Christ†— Robert J. Powell; words by Beverly Easterling 
The legacy of Christ is Faith that reaches past despair and finds the strength to grow and praise, with Christ our burdens share. 
The legacy of Christ is Hope, for all the heart can dream. It lifts us to our better self to where Christ's glories stream. 
The legacy of Christ is Love, that shines for all to see. Within true hearts, Christ's spirit dwells, Love spent eternally. 
The legacy of Christ is yours when you invite Him in, to be your soul's most honored guest, and live in grace with Him. Faith, Hope and Love are ours, but the greatest of these is Love.
To Disperse in Mission
Worship Leaders

Preacher: Rev. Jackie Nelson Liturgists: Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady, Rev. Kathy Thiel, Mike Mullin
Lay Reader: Bonnie Matthaidess
Director of Children's Ministry: Paula Dugan Organist: David Strong Sanctuary Choir Section Leaders: Gwen Paker, Brenda Nitsch, Dan McInerney, Jordan Bachmann Choral Scholars: Holden Turner Director of Music Ministry: Dr. Carl Johengen Head Usher: Brian White Production Director/Video Operator: Kenny Bailey Audio Operator: Dave Berg Graphics Operator: Deb Bullock-Smith Technology Support Team: Deb Bullock-Smith, Ted Skomsky Technical Consultant: Justin Ocello 

"Goliath" © 1994 Fred Bock Music Company; “The Legacy of Christ†© 2023 St. James Music Press; Hymns © 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House; OneLicense.net #A-721053. Some of the liturgical elements have been adapted from Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church. Illustration Credits: Designed by Ly Tran, with Freepik and Vecteezy.
Tuesday, October 24, 6–8 pm 1040 Gathering Center
Representatives of the Gandhi Institute will lead a training that is open to all around best practices and skills when working with people experiencing trauma and/or crisis. This is a great opportunity to grow in our ability to offer care to our neighbors whom we encounter in the Community Outreach Center and beyond. Please visit asburyfirst.org/news to register to attend. Contact Pat Dupont at pdupont@asburyfirst.org.
9 am • October 22, 2023
Preacher: Rev. Jackie Nelson Liturgist: Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady 
Pianist: David Strong
*Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn
#731 “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spokenâ€, vv. 1, 2
*Welcome & Passing 
of the Peace
#131 "We Gather Together", v. 1
Invitation, Announcements
Matthew 22:15-22 (found on p. 4)
*Closing Hymn
#157 “Jesus Shall Reignâ€, vv. 1, 3, 5
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Chapel service
ALTAR FLOWERS The flowers on the altars are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of my husband, Robert P. Reiners, on his birthday by Margaret Reiners; in loving memory of Louise Williams by her daughter Ellen Williams; and in loving memory of Donn Paul Rice, and Maureen & Walter Krasavage, our loving parents and grandparents by Beth and Dave Rice & family. Have you noticed the lone sunflower 
on the altar? The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. In solidarity with Ukraine, we will have a single sunflower on the high altar until the war ends. Want to help? You can support UMCOR at asburyfirst.org/give. Please note "Ukraine", or mail a check to the church office at 1050 East Ave. If you would like to place flowers on the altar, please contact Jeanne Ristau at 585-223-4356, preferably two weeks ahead of requested date. Prayers and Concerns We offer our prayers and concerns 
for all those who are ill at home, hospitalized, or in hospice care. We offer our prayers and concerns 
to the family and friends of Anne Porter Mikels, who died on Friday, September 22. We offer prayers and concerns to the family of Martha and Jeremy Tuke on the loss of Martha’s father, Henry L. Woodward, who died on October 4 in North Carolina. We offer our prayers and concerns to the family and friends of Richard "Dick" Moncrief, who died on October 9. A memorial service for Dick will be held at Asbury First on Saturday, November 18 at 11 am. We offer our prayers and concerns to the family of David Phillips who died on October 16th. A memorial service will be held on Thursday, November 2 at 3 pm.
Celebrations and concerns
Fall iCampus iClean Up
Please join us for our annual Fall Campus Cleanup. We'll meet at the Main Entrance of the Church (parking lot entrance). Please bring rakes, tarps — and anything else you find makes this task interesting, enjoyable, and fulfilling. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and snacks will be provided. Please contact David Strong at dstrong@asburyfirst.org 
or 585-271-1050 ext. 110 if you have any questions!
Saturday, November 11, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday 9 am Worship Service—1040 Gathering Center 9 am Monday Morning Crew—1040 9:30 am Asbury Orchestra—1040 Wesley Hall 9:00 am Spiritual Perspectives Class—1050 Teak Room 9:45 am Childcare—1040 Education Wing 9:45 am Adult Sunday School—1040 Fellowship Hall 9:45 am As the Spirit Moves Us—1040 LL03 (lower level) and Zoom (zoom.us/j/6174865464) 11 am Worship Service In-Person and Livestream 11:15 am Children's Sunday School (Ages 4–5th grade)
 —1040 Education Wing 12 pm Open Town Hall Meeting—1040 Sanctuary 12 pm Lunch—1010 COC Dining & Caring Center 2 pm Godspell Youth Musical Rehearsal
 —1040 Fellowship Hall 2:30 pm Youth Group—Wickham Farms MONday 9 am Library Work Day —1040 Tuesday 8:30 am Lectio Divina—Zoom (zoom.us/j/8347173468) 9:30 am Tuesday Morning Women's Fellowship
 —Zoom (zoom.us/j/8347173468) 12:30 pm Asbury Art Class—1040 Room 205 (Bell Room) 2 pm Disciple III Bible Studies
 —Zoom (zoom.us/j/6174865464) 3 pm Gentle Yoga—1040 Gathering Center, $10 pay at the door 6 pm Labyrinth—Fellowship Hall Wednesday 7 am Breakfast—1010 COC Dining & Caring Center 7 am Men’s Fellowship Group
 —Zoom (zoom.us/j/6174865464) 10 am Wednesday Morning Study Group —1040 Room 203 and Zoom (zoom.us/j/8347173468) 3 pm Knitting Ministry Group—1040 Library 5 pm Hallelujah Kids Choir—1040 Room 201 5:30 pm Community Dinner—1040 Gathering Center 6 pm Asbury First Book Read: "Your Children Are Very Greatly in Danger"—1040 Sanctuary 6 pm Wesley Singers & Ringers—1040 Room LL03 6 pm Godspell Youth Musical Rehearsal
 —1040 Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm Asbury Ringers—1040 Room 205 7:30 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal—1040 Wesley Hall Thursday 7 am Breakfast—1010 COC Dining & Caring Center 6 pm UR Well Clinic—1010 COC Evarts UR Well Clinic FRIDAY 7 am Breakfast—1010 COC Dining & Caring Center 9:30 am Disciple III Bible Studies
 —Zoom (zoom.us/j/8347173468)
For a full list of events with links, visit our online calendar at asburyfirst.org/events or call the church office at 585-271-1050
Meetings & Rehearsals OCTOBER 22–28
Give Online at www.asburyfirst.org/GIVE, text to give at 206-222-1050, 
New Member’s Classes
Are you interested in joining Asbury First? We are pleased to be offering the next round of New Members Classes for any and all interested in joining Asbury First. Our hope is to have everyone join 
on Sunday, November 12.
You need not register to attend, but if you know that you will be there, we’d love to know! 
Simply email Deb Bullock-Smith at dbullocksmith@asburyfirst.org or call 585-271-1050.
TWO OPTIONS: In-Person: Sunday, November 5, 12:30-1:30 pm, 1050 Stephen's Office, Lunch served. Hybrid: Wednesday, November 8, 
7 pm, 1050 Stephen's Office, 
Zoom (zoom.us/j/82498934913)
The Governing Board will be hosting another open town hall to share updates on various aspects of our life together and to answer your questions. If you have specific questions, please call the church office at 585-271-1050 
or email us at governance@asburyfirst.org. For more information about the Governing Board or the recent committee activity, 
visit asburyfirst.org/governance.
TODAY, 12 pm, Sanctuary and Live Stream
#731 "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spokenâ€â€¨â€¨
Return to Page 3
Online readers, 
click the "Return to Page" to quickly get back 
to the worship portion 
of the bulletin.
*Processional Hymn
#427 "Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Lifeâ€, v. 1, 5

Return to Page 7
#157 "Jesus Shall Reign"