July 2017
August Member Meeting President's Message 2017 Member Events July Meeting Minutes
About the ballpark... The stadium boasts a capacity of 10,100 and different areas around the ballpark to suit any fans' preference. The Left Field Building includes 110 foot bar with six open patios overlooking the field on the second story. The third story is The AEP Power Pavilion, an open air rooftop with bleachers reminiscent of Wrigley Field. The Picnic Terrace in left field will offer fans a place to relax and take in a ballgame 325 feet down the line. The Wendy's Hamburger Balconies in right field overlook a 22 foot wall that is only 318 feet down the line. The Tansky Sawmill Toyota Suites that overhang the stands offer yet another option for a fantastic and memorable group outing.
Thanks to August's event partner:
2017 board
August Meeting
Tuesday, August 8th Location: Huntington Park
330 Huntington Park Ln. Columbus, Ohio 43215 Register online at 
The Official Newsletter of the CLA
In this edition
NewScapes Express
Daniel Huggett
Columbus Turf Nursery
President Jacob Basnett
Landscape Design Solutions
Past-President Ellen Gallucci Purcell
Riepenhoff Landscape, Ltd.
Treasurer Fred Blyth
Worthington Landscape
Secretary Joe Boff
Wolf Creek Irrigation
Trustee Andrew Muntz
Green Velvet Sod Farms
Trustee Craig Shearer
Shearer Patio & Landscape Svcs.

Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) Sod Self Repairing Turf Technology Strong Deep Root System Drought Tolerant Excellent Insect & Disease Resistance Grows Great in Sun or Shade
14337 US 23 Ashville, OH 43103 740.983.8873
Premium Bluegrass Blend Sod Superior Heat & Drought Performance Higher Wear Tolerance Aggressive Rhizomes Resistant to Summer Diseases
Hear the latest concerns of turfgrass managers throughout the region in this Turf Tips video from our allied association, the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation.
Written by Andrew Muntz, Green Velvet Sod Farms
I hope this NewScapes finds everyone in good health. The rainy July has given us great growing weather for our customers landscapes. The lawns needed more mowing than normal, but we have no losses due to drought. Our last member meeting at Franklin Conservatory Park was an excellent meeting location and the food was by far the best this year. The meeting was sponsored by Buckeye Power Sales and Ohio CAT. When you see the people from these two fine businesses, be sure to thank them personally for supporting CLA. The program was about the new 2 acre children's park, what plantings were planned on and a site preview of the park under construction. We then had a chance to view the Franklin Parks site plantings and the Day Lily planting. Fred Blyth had several beautiful and uncommon day lilys for viewing and sale. It was great to see several CLA members we have not seen in awhile. I look forward to seeing them and still more members and their employees at our next member meeting at Huntington Park on August 8th. This meeting is a late-morning meeting for lunch and a tour of the facilities. Special thanks to Ohio CAT for sponsoring this event as well. The Outdoor Living Tour is coming up on August 19th. This Event is developing into a key event for the Columbus Landscape Association. The event is being promoted by Cancer Charity and making this a must for our members as a low cost way to show off your work to potential customers as well as getting behind a worthwhile charity event. A win – win event for promoting your company's image, cultivating potential customers, and social PR supporting a good public cause. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Huntington Park for the member meeting! Daniel Huggett
Huntington Park has received recognition as one of America's best ballparks on multiple occasions. Don't miss your chance to get a behind the scenes look at our next member meeting!
Huntington Park, home of the Columbus Clippers, will host August's CLA member event. The Clippers are the Triple-A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians. Since opening its doors in 2009, the park has been recognized on several occasions as Park of the Year from various sources. Don't miss this behind the scenes look!
Contact the CLA Columbus Landscape Association
P.O. Box 963
Columbus, Ohio 43216 Phone: 614.450.0430
Email: info@columbuslandscape.org On the web: www.columbuslandscape.org
August 8th
Huntington Park
Late morning/lunch event
Click here for more September 12th
Event TBD October 10th
Columbus State Community College
Evening event
Click here for more November 14th
Event TBD December - No Meeting
Member Meeting Minutes July 11, 2017
Member Meeting: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at the Franklin Park Conservatory The meeting began at 5pm with member check in and included dinner at 5:30. Meeting Sponsors: Buckeye Power Sales and Ohio CAT Power Systems Columbus Meeting: The meeting was called to order by CLA President Daniel Huggett at 6pm. Members Present: Fred Blyth, Kathy Blyth, Ellen Gallucci Purcell, Steven Purcell, Dr. Steve and Carolyn Still, Andrew Muntz, Daniel Huggett, Jamie Huggett, Fred Hower, Bryan Taynor, Jared Smith, Charles Balk, Ken Helmlinger, Jessica Lovell, Rob Kuhar, Chad Wiseman, Ashley Betteker, Bryan Joyce, Gary Conrad, Greg Bohls, Tony Sciambi, Andrew Miller and Mary Ann Shrum Welcome & Introduction of Sponsors, Members and Guests. Greg from BPS Announced the BPS is celebrating 70 years of business, BPS was started in 1947 by his Grandfather and he is the third generation with BPS. August 17, 2017 – Open House –Blacklick Location for 70 year celebration. Committee Reports: Approval of Minutes – from last meeting: Minutes available online at CLA website. Copies sent to Board Members and Printed copies available during meeting.
Motion to approve by Ellen 2nd by Bryan Joyce. Motion to accept June 13th minutes approved by voice vote. Treasurer – Ellen Balance/ Financial Statement - non Payment for Intent to participate in 2018 Garden Show- She has received a few more Intent to participate forms. Home & Garden Show-Show chair or Committee member - Bryan Joyce Design changes coming? - 2017 Layout, Bleachers will be taking up an additional 16 feet of floor space. Last year's shape did not have a good flow More issues to work out with Dispatch 2019 Garden Show Chair will be Roger Seal Garden Tour - Molly or Committee Member - Daniel Seekin gmembers to show a stop on the outdoor tour. Forms available. Stressing that this activity is the best way for our members to show case their work to potential customers and the costs are one day of your time. A Program Book will be given with each ticket purchased. If you don't promote yourself, no one else will. The Tour to become a charitable event which is a good thing for the Tour and the Firms showing in -With the help of Oakland Nursery. Seeking sponsors for promoting the event. Having company information in tour program will be additional advertisement and promotion. Membership - Andrew Asking everyone to invite 2-3 people to join CLA